It occurred to me recently with all this talk about the need to raise retirement age in the UK due to our ageing population, that many people have got it wrong.

They are thinking of “retirement” as an age, yet in reality it should be an income – when you have sufficient assets to provide you with enough income to replace that which you earn working the 9 to 5, then you are in a position to “retire”.

The overall goal for financial planning in the current day and age must surely be to try and attain “financial independence” in our own lifetimes. To this end, we should endeavour to accumulate sufficient assets around us to provide enough income to enable us not to have to work for a living.

So with this in mind, give consideration to the amount of “income” you would need to retire today – do you really need the full amount of your take-home pay or, with careful planning and spending, could you live on less than you currently receive.

I guess the answer to this must be “yes” – with retirement comes one of the greatest assets we can ever attain – the asset of time.

With time on your side, you can plan your life and expenditure better – you have time to browse for bargains at the supermarket, to shop around for a better deal on your house or car insurance, to cook your own meals instead of buying “expensive” pre-prepared ones.

Start by analysing your income and expenditure – read this article – cashflow forecasting – planning income and expenditure.